Team and Expertise
As of 31 December 2024, AIAIM currently manages US$139 bn across asset classes and has a robust team of 198 employees.
Since incorporation at AIAIM we have built on specialist teams supporting and managing asset classes across geographies, having strong research capabilities in Equities, Fixed Income and Alternative Investments.
We solely cater to AIA and dedicate our investment resources to manage the assets of the AIA entities within the AIA Group.
Funds Platform
In July 2019, as part of our growth initiatives we launched our first funds platform; a Luxembourg investment company with variable share capital (SICAV). AIA Investment Funds is subject to Luxembourg law relating to undertakings for collective investment (UCITS).
The funds platform is an investment engine that provides a flexible building block for designing Investment Linked Products to suit the different needs of customers in terms of risk profiles, long-term protection and financial goals.
This broadens the range of investment opportunities for insurance assets, pension accounts and Investment-linked assurance schemes across business units of the AIA Group.
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Key Investor |
Annual report
Semi-Annual report
Complaints handling policy
This Prospectus contains information about AIA Investment Funds that a prospective investor should consider before investing in the Fund and should be retained for future reference.